For Guides

How to Talk Politics on a Tour

To be honest, I've never been asked "How to talk politics" on a tour as most tour guides shy away from politics (and/or many Managers direct their guides to stay away from politics). Prefer to listen & watch?  This article has a video version. Video please I talk often

2021-05-26T20:27:11-04:00September 6th, 2020|

Tour Guide Training: Round Out Your Skills

To be a tour guide is to be so many things and yet most tour guide training focuses on very specific core skills. Tour guides are educators, entertainers, anthropologists, cultural translators, couples counselors, psychologists, social connectors, hosts, etc. And they’re often ALSO archeologists, historians, art historians, museum docents, safety-certified, and

2022-03-25T21:12:37-04:00May 18th, 2020|